Mr. Peanut Could Escort You Down the Wedding Aisle This Summer

In a dive bar ceremony, natch

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to watch Mr. Peanut escort a couple down the aisle, thanks to a contest from Miller High Life and Planters.

It's called "Matches Made in the High Life," and multiple winners will receive:

  • A free marriage ceremony at their fave dive bar.
  • A ride in the Nutmobile to said establishment.
  • A "Champagne of Beers" tower and toast plus buffet.
  • The mascot's participation, as noted above.
  • A wedding cake with collectible Mr. Peanut topper. (Sure to become a treasured heirloom!)
  • Wedding accessories from the Planters/Miller "Tie Bar" collection.
  • Alas, no Busch Guy to officiate. That'd be going off-brand.

That's a $30,000 value. The brands say so. It must be true!

Should anyone know of any reason this couple should not be joined in matrimony ... stow it and have another beer.

Phaedon developed the initiative.

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